Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Kandang Kebo Art Festival 2010

10, 11, 12

@ Kandang Kebo
Jl Imam Bonjol. Beru RT 02 RW 06 ds. Bumiaji kec. Bumiaji Kota Batu
Jawa Timur, Indonesia

*) some program before the date of december
In a series of kandang kebo art festival, we held several workshops in the village bumiaji, before the date of December 10,11,12. In an effort to achieve solidarity with the people bumiaji. The workshop was among about journalism, recycling, agriculture, batik, health, lanterns, as well as some art activities with them

Theme: Farm, Farmer, and Performer


Nowadays, there are a lot of conversation about global warming. Where is we can not deny that the existence of these was more or less caused by man in the world. Development by reducing the number of forestry on this earth, as well as the use of chemicals in everyday life also was accused as one of the contributing factor. Erode the green fields to build a stately buildings until invited in and out of vehicles that cause pollution as air pollution has been done by many employers and government. and The agriculture world more or less became neglected. Whereas the food sources are in it. Many outside influences that cause the disruption of agricultural systems, ranging from the weather / air (that nowadays is not regular as it should) until soil conditions that have changing levels of soil temperature is very disturbing growth and development of the peasantry. And the lives of the farmers who rely heavily on the results of this farm become disrupted as well. In turn affects the food condition of the world community. Chemical substances are absorbed by plants, until the food is already in packaging that also did not rule already contaminated by chemicals as preservatives, which greatly reduces the value of nutrition and micronutrients that should be much contained in these foods.
Bumiaji, is one of the villages in Batu are still very strong with the agricultural world. Although it has undergone many shifts, which formerly was the best apple-producing up to a remarkable triumph. However, the use of pesticides in those days greatly affect soil ph levels to become damaged and apple harvests dropped dramatically. the farmers then transferred the farm to plant vegetables and flowers. with the hope to restore the land as usual, some farmers have tried to develop organic crops. However, not only the soil conditions that affect crop yields, but also weather conditions. Batu is famous for its natural feel beautiful mountains and cold weather that enveloped it. However, the progress in development and deforestation make the city's changing weather. from the beginning in 1997 the temperature was 16 Celsius degrees at night and 26 celcius degrees during the day, now it is become 20 celcius degrees at night, and 30 celcius degrees in the daytime. Weather conditions that become too hot make the farmers switch to vegetables and flowers, except he or she who lives on higher ground. But It was only a few hectares left.
The Large-scale of development be measured of the weather changes in the world of agriculture in world scope. in The Kandang Kebo Art Festival, there is hope to be able to bring together The Perfomance artists from various nations and countries to share and know the perceptions, interpretations, and perspectives of each person on the themes mentioned above and also hope to provide an opportunity for The Performance artists to gather and mutually share the experience and get a direct view about one of the important issues in the world today: what happened in the agricultural communities in third world countries and their environment? The following, how to look at the life and future. (Enny Asrinawati)


Dewasa ini banyak sekali perbincangan mengenai global warming, di mana tidak memungkiri adanya hal tersebut sedikit banyak disebabkan oleh manusia di dunia. Banyaknya Pembangunan dengan mengurangi kehijauan di muka bumi ini juga penggunaan zat-zat kimia dalam kehidupan sehari hari pun di daulat sebagai salah satu faktor penyebabnya. Mengikis lahan-lahan hijau untuk di bangun menjadi gedung-gedung megah hingga mengundang keluar masuk kendaraan bermotor yang menyebabkab polusi sebagai pencemaran udara mulai banyak di lakukan oleh pengusaha-pengusaha pun pemerintahan. Dan dunia pertanian mulai sedikit banyak terabaikan. Padahal sumber pangan ada di dalamnya. Banyak pengaruh dari luar yang menyebabkan terganggunya sistem pertanian, mulai dari udara/ cuaca (yang belakangan tidak teratur) hingga kondisi tanah yang mengalami perubahan kadar suhu tanah sangat mengganggu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan hasil tani. Dan kehidupan para petani yang bergantung pada hasil tani ini menjadi terganggu juga. Yang akhirnya juga mempengaruhi kondisi pangan pada masyarakat dunia. Zat – zat kimia yang masuk pada tanaman hingga makanan itu sudah ada dalam kemasan yang juga tidak menutup kemungkinan tercampuri oleh zat kimia sebagai pengawet dimana sangat mengurangi nilai gizi dan nutrisi mikro yang seharusnya banyak terkandung dalam tanaman tersebut.
Bumiaji adalah salah satu desa di Kota Batu yang masih sangat kuat dengan dunia pertaniannya, meskipun telah mengalami pergeseran di mana mulanya adalah penghasil buah apel terbaik hingga memiliki masa kejayaan yang luar biasa. Namun penggunaan pestisida pada tanaman apel masa itu sangat mempengaruhi kadar ph tanah hingga menjadi rusak dan panen apel merosot. Para Petani kemudian mengalihkan lahan pertaniannya menjadi sayuran dan menumbuhkembangkan tanaman bunga. Dengan harapan dapat mengembalikan kondisi tanah seperti sedia kala,dengan beberapa petani telah mengembangkan tanaman organik. Namun, bukan hanya kondisi tanah saja yang mempengaruhi hasil tanaman, tapi juga kondisi cuaca. Batu sangat terkenal dengan nuansa alam pegunungannya yang indah dengan cuaca dingin yang menyelimutinya. Namun adanya perkembangan dalam pembangunan dan penggundulan hutan membuat cuaca di Kota itu berubah. Dari yang mulanya sekitar tahun 1997 berada pada suhu 16 derajat celcius pada malam hari dan 26 derajat selsius pada siang hari, kini menjadi 20 derajat saat malam hari dan 30 derajat saat siang hari. Kondisi cuaca yang menjadi panas juga yang membuat petani apel beralih pada sayuran dan bunga, kecuali dia yang berada pada dataran yang lebih tinggi lagi. Itu pun hanya tinggal beberapa hektar saja.
Pembangunan yang besar-besaran menjadi tolak ukur perubahan cuaca di dunia pertanian di lingkup dunia, dalam kandang kebo art festival ini, di mana berharap dapat mempertemukan performance artist dari berbagai bangsa dan negara untuk sharing dan mengetahui persepsi, interpretasi, dan perspektif masing-masing atas tema tersebut di atas juga berharap dapat memberi kesempatan pada performance artist untuk berkumpul bersama dan saling berbagi pengalaman dan mendapat pandangan langsung seputar salah satu isu penting di dunia saat ini: apa yang sedang terjadi dalam komunitas-komunitas agrikultur begara dunia ketiga serta lingkungan hidup mereka, berikut bagaimana memandang kehidupan dan masa depan. (Enny Asrinawati)
Call for Participants

Dear Artists,

thank you for your applying. We will inform you as soon as possible during last week in October.
Best Regards,
Enny Asrinawati[Project Director]
Meizhtruation Performance

Dear Artists,

Please, send your CV + photos of your performances [attachment files] and address(es) of your website or blog to :

The committee will select and reply also give you the invitation letter and other official document which will be needed for your participation in this event.  This program is open to anyone who has similar thoughts on the theme.

Deadline: October 22th 2010

Best Regards,
Meizhtruation Performance
December 6 – 9
Arrival/Artist in Residence : survey/ observation/ research/ preparing performance

December 10
9 – 11 am : Artist Introduction & screening; 1 – 3 pm : meeting with the village head; 6.30 – 10 pm : opening ‘welcome party’with village community and traditional performances.
December 11
7 am – 5 pm : to farm with farmer and performer; 6.30 – 10 pm : performances
December 12
9 – 11 am : traditional performances (Bantengan & Kirab); 11 am – 1 pm : performances; 2 – 5 pm : performances; 7 – 10 pm: screening & Clossing
December 13
8 am – 2 pm : touring art (Only for artist)

Jadwal Acara:
Terbuka untuk umum/publik

10 Desember
09.00 – 11.00 : Perkenalan Artis performance ; 13.00 – 15.00 : Pertemuan dengan perangkat desa; 18.30 – 22.00: Pembukaan ‘welcome party’dengan masyarakat dan kesenian tradisional
11 Desember
07.00 – 17.00 : Bertani (Seniman dan petani); 18.30 – 22.00 : Performance
12 Desember
09.00 – 11.00 : Kesenian Tradisional (Bantengan & Kirab); 11.00 – 13.00 : performances; 14.00 – 17.00 : performances; 19.00 – 22.00: Penutupan
For Participants:
  • Free Accommodation [home stay for performance-artists during event (December, 6th to 12nd 2010)]
  • Local Transportation [from stations, terminals, and airport in malang city to the location]
  • Equipments, such as: lightings, projectors, LCD/in-focus, screen, DVD/CD player, speaker, microphones [indoor & outdoor]
  • Documantation of event on photo / video in CD/DVD
  • Publication in Daily bulletin in the village, blog meizhtruation performance dan other
  • Photo Exhibition at “IDEA CIRCUIT” on the middle of december 2010 by photographers of SLF (sanggar Lukis & Fotografi) and Mamipo
  • Catalogue
This event does not cover  fees, transportasi / travel artists and material. Only meals and local transportations (Malang - Batu for performance artists from abroad/ other cities)
Team Work :

Meizhtruation Performance

Dewan Kesenian Kota Batu

Juli Jati Prambudi
Yosa Batu Persada
Bonni Rambatan
Slamet Henkus
Agung Gunawan

Pimpinan Produksi
Enny Asrinawati
Ketua pelaksana
Dapeng Limo (Pepeng)
Oktaviani Puspitasari

Dokumentasi Foto
Danar Inda Wiguna
Eko 'Sanggar Lukis & Fotografi' n Team
Wiwid 'Mamipo'
Dokumentasi Video
Yani 'Lensa Mata'
Andrie tanzil
Bahrul Ullum
Pugud haibi
Dani Dian
Humas & Sponshorship
Rifqi A. Alcaf
Buntas Pradoto

Ferry BT
Didit Mahameru
Peformance, material, setting, & Property
M. Hidayatullah
Grace Mamahit
Art Space
Heri Samin
Andre Hansen
Choirul Samin
Hidayah Nur Indah
Dyah yusi
Andra Hampa
Ibu – Ibu PKK Beru ds Bumiaji batu